Assignment 6 and end of semester information

Post date: May 30, 2017 8:39:44 AM

Assignment 6 is posted on Github: It is worth 6 normal points (for a semester total of 60) and several more bonus points. The due date is Friday 16.6.17 Note that this right after Corpus Christi - a day off. All groups (especially the Thursday one) can submit the solutions up to this date using email and show them later, however please don't abuse this mechanism. You can also submit the solution during Jan Chorowski's office hours (Wednesdays 1-3pm).

The projects are worth 40 points. Please see the project information and course rules for ideas and descriptions. For those willing to complete the full projects and choosing the default (CIFAR10) project please submit it in two phases:

- a basic version achieving > 75% accuracy and a proposal of a further improvement by 16.06.2017,

- final, improved version by the regular final project deadline (29.06.17).

Jan Chorowski will be away starting 22.06.2017, Adrian Lancucki will handle project submissions for all groups after that date. Final project grades need to be entered into USOS by the end of the examination period (30.06.2017), therefore the last day to hand us the projects will be on Thursday, 29.06.2017, there will be extra office hours posted for porject submission.

The assignments and projects sum up to 100 points. To get a passing grade from the exercises, you must have at least 50 points from project and exercises and a basic CIFAR10 solution. Tentative grade thresholds are: 50: 3.0 60: 3.5 70: 4 80: 4.5 90: 5. The final thresholds will not be higher.

The lecture will end with a final exam that is mandatory for everyone, but I will add 10% of your exercise points towards your exam total. We will choose an examination date during next lecture (1.6.17).